Student & Parent Resources » Drop Off & Pick Up

Drop Off & Pick Up

If you would like to drop off or pick up each day “curbside” please use our valet area on 16th Avenue. Please enter from Glenn and pull up along the curb. Once you are at a drop spot, please have your child enter/exit the vehicle from the driver’s side.  There will be supervisors there to help assist with this process.

Pick up/Drop off - Not in valet
We encourage you to try valet, however, if you choose to park along the fence line on Glenn Road or 18th Avenue to pick up/drop off your child, please do the following:

  • Park along the fence so your child can get to/from your car without crossing the road.
  • Park close to other cars so that as many drivers as possible are able to line the fence.
  • Refrain from entering the playground and field area both in the morning and after school. The only people inside the fences from drop-off to pick-up will be staff and students.

If you are walking to or from school with your child or expecting them to walk on their own, please cross at 16th Avenue and University Road if coming from the west of the school.  There is no longer a crosswalk at 18th Avenue and University.  If you or an older sibling meet your child at the end of the day, please wait by our front sidewalk.  Please remain outside the fences.

Busses drop off and pick up students in the parking lot on University Road.  This lot will be busy at the start and end of the day.

Communicating with Teachers
Please communicate regularly with your child’s teacher about how your child will be coming and going to and from school each day.  We want everyone to get where they need to each day.

Early Pick-Up
We encourage you to refrain from picking your child up early from school.  Valuable lessons and learning occur up until the final bell at 3:15.  If you need to pick up early, please communicate this with the office through a phone call or email prior to 2:00.  The message will be delivered to your child’s teacher and your child before the end of the day.

Parking Lots
The parking lot on University Road is open to parents and visitors. The lot on 16th Avenue is reserved for University Elementary teachers and staff and should not be used for drop off or pick up.